Blue Cockatoo pfp

Blue Cockatoo


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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
I had a great time playing with the blend starter by @weirdmomma and her son in /blend-o-rama! Love these crazy characters! We're always happy for folks to join us!
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Rabbit, Where'd You Put the Keys, Girl?
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Went out of town for almost a week and now I have a bunch of cucumbers to harvest! And new baby ones too!
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Wishful Thaumaturgy
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
We Are NOT Going Back! Give women the same autonomy over our bodies and health that men enjoy. Equity > Equality and we don’t even have Equality. It’s our turn.
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
“Tide goes in, tide goes out... You can’t explain that. You can’t explain why the tide goes in.” Tides are weird, ya’ll.
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
ITAP of some driftwood on the Oregon coast.
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
ITAP of a traveling rock on the beach.
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
ITAP of some waves on the Pacific.
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Locking is always a bad mechanic, at least for everyone but the people who have both the most and locked the earliest. And this was an especially bad idea to not fully work out the particulars before asking people to invest for 3 months in a system that was dynamic on a monthly basis before. You can’t “move fast and break things” and also lock people in financially for the long term and expect it to magically work out. Trust is important in how you deal with other people’s money. If you offer investments you need to have the benefits and risks well defined. If they had gone with my idea of just increasing rewards the longer people staked then so much of this could have been avoided as people could exit if they were unhappy. Now you are just going to get investors who are pissed and still locked in your system for months and will cause things to crash hard when they finally get unlocked and sell ASAP.
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
It’s women’s turn to take back our autonomy and, ironically, clean up the mess men have made of this country. I hope she picks a woman VP. And pledges an all-woman cabinet. Stack the SCOTUS with more women members too. It would only be fair to have for a while after 100s of years of men. It’s our turn.
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
The Spectators
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Happy Saturday @midnite-marauder and @milibooo Thinking of calling this one "The Spectators". @sunage might like to participate in the daily /veg raffle!
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Wading In the Distilled Essence of Old Memories
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Calvin needs more than 500 followers! He makes such cute and awesome animations!
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Haven't decided on a title for this one yet, but wanted to share a new line of experimentation.
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
Cockatoo-chan's cucumber gwew so big owewnight! Uwu... maybe it's compensating fow my smol allowance? >w< Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast! ------ Bwahahaha! I will forever be remembered not for my art, but my cucumbers and smol allowance! So mean!
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
I Get Lots of Looks, But How Many Actually See Me?
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
About to hit the sack but saw the /veg call and wanted to drop this fun piece I made today. I'm calling it "The Goats Found Some Magic Mushrooms Today". 😆 @midnite-marauder @milibooo @jacque and @carlos28355 have you seen /veg yet?
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Blue Cockatoo pfp
Blue Cockatoo
The goats found some mushrooms today.
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