Dadcaster pfp
Are you a dad? Do you have thoughts about dads? Do you question the concept of dads? Dadcaster is here for you 🧢⚡️
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Paul Berens pfp
Paul Berens
Love this. How about a nice sweater vest NFT on Father's Day?
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grin↑ pfp
Hey dadcaster, I’m grin 😁
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Jacob pfp
This is the stream that I walk to every day with my 2 year old and dog Routine excitement ⚡️ Dad style 🧢 You can see a school of fish toward the top of the pic
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RoboCopsGoneMad pfp
thanks for this #dadlife
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7858 pfp
After a lifetime of my dad taking me fishing, I took him fishing for the first time on my home turf on Sunday morning. He caught 7 different species of fish and we had a great time. Later that day, we took my boys fishing and they both caught sunfish, a first for my 3yo. Peak fatherhood stuff ☺️
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
Lmk if you want dadCaster.eth. I think known it.
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