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cody pfp
It took me a while but I just went through the auth flow for and it is slick af. Was able to open the free pack, send degen, buy Denver, and it was all seamless. I still don't understand what I'm buying when I buy Denver (or what happens after playoffs) but I like it. Really well done.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Nice man! What happens after playoffs is that the prize pool is distributed to the collectives based on its team’s performance. Holders then vote on how to use those funds to change the team IRL β€” eg offering a contract to a player. (But voting is not in Beta β€” so for now you just redeem shares for % of pool)
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FlexasaurusRexπŸŽ©πŸ”΅βŒβ—¨-β—¨ pfp
πŸ’Έ πŸ– THE CHANNEL IS /LP THE TICKER IS TN100X πŸ–πŸ’Έ @codyb.eth β €β €β €β €β €β € β €β €β €β € πŸ– x 7
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