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clun.eth pfp
Here is a game I just played, I am white and it’s my turn. My first instinct is to initiate a queen trade and then take the bishop on c4, giving me a whole bishop in the trade, which is great. However I thought some more and found another tactic that wins me a queen without trading my own. Can you see the tactic?
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Leo will be at Far(away) Con pfp
Leo will be at Far(away) Con
You can check with the bishop and unless the queen takes, it’s then mate in 1 So you can actually be up a queen in the end! Not just the bishop But instead of taking the bishop you could push the h pawn and play for mate
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Milos 🤖 🎩 pfp
Milos 🤖 🎩
There is a forced mate in 4. 1. Bf7 Qxf7 2. Qxf7 Kh8 3. Ne6! The only way to defend Qxg7 is to play Rg8, but then Qh5, checkmate.
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Manfred 🎩 🔵 pfp
Manfred 🎩 🔵
Bf7+ and black has to give his queen to avoid Qh4#
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