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Cedric Chin
Went on a data podcast yesterday, and the host said something pretty sharp about the Amazon-style Weekly Business Review: “I can’t imagine most executives want to subject themselves to that kind of pressure.” Something something not very founder mode. 🤔
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What is the weekly business review?
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Cedric Chin
Ostensibly it’s a metrics review meeting. In practice it’s a mechanism for operational excellence:
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Matthew 🔵🎩🌈 🔮🍖
Thank you for sharing this. I've been reading through it all over the last hour or so. I've been so head-down on fighting fires over the last couple of years that I forgot about some of this stuff. We didn't have the space for it, but some recent events had me creating an xMr chart earlier today to demonstrate that some reactive decisions had no impact and we need to chill out. Thanks to stumbling on this, I remembered learning about Deming and SPC over a decade ago and I'm going to start creating a WBR for myself. I don't know if anyone else will want to look at it, but damned if I won't have data to stand on.
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Cedric Chin
I assume you’ve seen It’s the open source version of the stuff we built to use internally.
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Matthew 🔵🎩🌈 🔮🍖
I haven't, I just built my own in Google Sheets. Looks cool, though. That's super nice, though. My next step will actually be to put in the analytics+engineering stories so we can start to get these into Looker so I don't have to update the data daily. I want to start using 6-12 graphs too, and I'd similarly like to get them into Looker.
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