carlcortright.eth pfp
Pretty convinced right now is the best time ever in history to be a developer. So many major platform shifts converging: - AR / VR - AI - Crypto starting to be scalable I literally don't have enough time in the day to build all of the stuff I want to build
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Peter Makhnatch pfp
Peter Makhnatch
crypto is starting to be web3 too
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younatan.eth🎩 pfp
totally agree with not having enough time in a day. that's why I tend to pick projects that can be interwoven together eventually! saves me dev time later :3
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Haardik pfp
@haardikkk is also great if you have an interest in physics
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kromo.eth pfp
I feel the same way. I’ve been kind of obsessed the last few months, opened 30+ repos this year, working on several projects at the same time etc. Probably not healthy in the long run but I’ve never had so much time building shit.
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