Haardik pfp



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Haardik pfp
Google, a $2T company, shipped dark mode after 12 years on Google Drive and didn't care enough to use the right logo
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Haardik pfp
Dang that’s crazy https://early-or-late.fly.dev/fid/8113
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Haardik pfp
What happens in an optimistic cross chain bridge (like Across) if the source chain re-orgs? If L1 finality takes a few minutes, how is across able to get funds to destination chain faster than that? What happens if L1 re-orgs due to a soft fork and worst case the deposit never happened?
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Haardik pfp
Check out my onframe Noun based on my Farcaster ID!
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Haardik pfp
For the written version of the "Ticks and Q64.96 Numbers" lesson - I'll add additional diagrams and examples, given some parts felt tricky to folks We are constantly learning as well with this experience and appreciate the feedback - it helps shape content for all future workshops The workshop surveys are invaluable!
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Haardik pfp
How does a vibrant, high energy, engineering-focused startup become a bureaucratic corporate where employees don't feel excited? https://www.haardik.dev/writings/startups-and-corporate-culture
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Haardik pfp
if you're part of UHI Cohort 1 and haven't yet received an invite to the group chat - DM me here on Warpcast
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Haardik pfp
what's the rabby for mobile today? would be amazing if i can add custom chains particularly - the main thing i dislike about rainbow right now zerion UX on mobile is weird - not for me uniswap only supports one seed phrase cc @accountless.eth you got suggestions?
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Haardik pfp
Noticing a bug where many newer posts simply don’t appear on the /uniswaphooks channel - have tried mobile and web both Not sure if happening on other channels too Is this a known issue right now? cc @v
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Haardik pfp
Day 0 HYPE
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Haardik pfp
Anyone have any spare sepolia eth? Need to refill faucets for a few sepolia L2s Donations to 0x625BCC1142E97796173104A6e817Ee46C593b3C5 highly appreciated
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Haardik pfp
trying to bridge tokens through optimism's standards bridge inside a solidity contract is there a registry onchain I can use to figure out l2 token address given the l1 token address or do I have to maintain that mapping myself? if the latter, is there a list available somewhere so I can initialize the mapping?
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Haardik pfp
3 Body Problem is actually pretty cool Feels like an eternity since a Netflix series was good
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Haardik pfp
Gm Gm
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Haardik pfp
Happy holi to everyone ❤️ May god bless all of you - and have an amazing 2024!
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Haardik pfp
Building on Farcaster - workshop w/ @neynar @rish going live for the D.I. Hackathon Season 2 - starting in ~5 minutes! https://learnweb3.huddle01.com/vws-mzog-gue
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Haardik pfp
aye this SLERF shit crazy wtf lmao
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Haardik pfp
Hackathon is kicking off today - super hyped to see what everyone builds over the next couple of weeks! If you haven't signed up - there's still a couple days left! https://learnweb3.io/hackathons/decentralized-intelligence-season-2/
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Haardik pfp
Just earned BLOOD creating this video on @drakula: https://drakula.app/post/358d9bf8-9246-47bc-b27c-d787f0a753c6?invite=whhkP8
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Haardik pfp
Just earned BLOOD creating this video on @drakula
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