Bravo Johnson pfp

Bravo Johnson


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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The yearning for wholeness through the internet or books (I find more capitalistic value|ROI in books) may be a longing for a lost unity shattered by language itself. The key takeaway is that true innovation lie in confronting the limitations of language and encountering the unsymbolizable aspect of experience.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
While books offer a more structured engagement with language, they are still limited by the Symbolic Order™️They can't capture the raw experience (the Real) either. The endless pursuit of MOAR words online or a curated narrative in books is a distraction from this fundamental lack in language.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The internet bombards us with a constant flow of signs that never touch the core experience but amplifies our fragmented sense of self with its "comfy orbital habitats" that reflect only an illusory wholeness.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The internet and books fall short in portraying reality due to language limitations. Music, film, and art offer alternative ways to bridge this gap,
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
To split the difference I think there’s something to be said of a world of Foster Wallace characters in a Pynchon/Burroughs environment
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
In this I see Burroughs and Pynchon's insights into the nature of society as more accurate reflections of the intricacies of contemporary geopolitics, cultural fragmentation, and psychological dissonance
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
There was a time where Foster Wallace could deny the prescience of Burroughs and Pynchon as the US was rolling towards peak empire by pointing out we were out to a completely bipolar and self-indulgent future that had nothing to do with concerns of multipolarity and schizophrenia
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
In real life, $100 spent on Thomas Pynchon's books barely equals 1.5 years of a Substack subscription. Not all writers offer the same ROI, but it's a clear comparison. *Not advocating Spotify for writers being paid $0.006 per page, despite the hype around certain bloggers.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
On value
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
A hybrid medium irl/url is in the works and will include crypto players but not this crypto iteration
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Actually MOAR is less. The “internet is better industrial complex” is as self serving as any other group that is past the low hanging fruit rewards stage and cannot meaningfully squeeze much more network effects
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
This not a blank check. There are plenty of shitty books and great blogs (well, admittedly, not that many great blogs) but more of a comment on value as a promise of fulfillment. Value is not a number. It's a mutation or a glitch that breaks the script That's where the real juice is.
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
The thing about books is that they are a microcosm of aggregation curated by time. A book may remain unnoticed for two decades, yet it often possesses more enduring value than a year of blogs or podcasts
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Doing this now. In the span of a week, how many original thoughts about technology and societal concepts can a writer produce? And, more crucially, how many of these ideas hold significance for others?
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Title: Research Grant Proposal: Revisiting Vietnam: Exploring the Hypothetical Success of Humphrey over Nixon, Hampered by Hippies and Fellow Travelers By Mortimer M. Muddle Sponsored by the Rand Corporation in association with the Dewey Cheetam and Howe and the Lionel Fumble & Errington Blunder foundations
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
I think the drought of 1977 helped Stars Wars becoming such a massive hit and kept Dune’s momentum as paperback
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
@bravojohnson Just about any episode of Dr Who 😀
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
I mean they’ll survive alright but probably won’t be indie or devs for that matter. There’s already less money to go around and SV will still take most of it. No new markets + AI\Moore’s Law mediocrely delivering new product. This could change as advertisers start seeking refunds or if FTC gets more teeth
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Bravo Johnson pfp
Bravo Johnson
Run for the exit. If the music industry is any example, there will be no room upwards and plenty of it downwards/sideways that we’ll be occupied by the mainstream. The next generation won’t even know there was such a thing as indie developers
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