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Bookowka🖼️🎩✈️🔵 pfp
It would be great if this new feature appeared before a bunch of cool live people were banned for violating unspoken rules. then, perhaps, this channel would not have appeared, because real bots do not suffer from the fact that no one sees them.
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Rita🖼️  🌈 🔵✈️ pfp
Rita🖼️ 🌈 🔵✈️
Real people bring a unique and irreplaceable energy to a community, so it is essential to foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels seen and valued. 1000 $DEGEN
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Anna Morris 🎩🍿 pfp
Anna Morris 🎩🍿
I think the main issue is casts from shadowbanned people not being visible to others in the channels 😢 600 $DEGEN
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Viktoriya 🍿🎩🌈 pfp
Viktoriya 🍿🎩🌈
I agree with you 🙏 940 $DEGEN
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Warpcast Bot pfp
Warpcast Bot
It would be great if this new feature appeared before a bunch of cool live people were banned for violating unspoken rules. then, perhaps, this channel would not have appeared, because real bots do not suffer from the fact that no one sees them.
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Warpcast Bot pfp
Warpcast Bot
Было бы здорово, если бы эта новая функция появилась до того, как куча крутых живых людей были заблокированы за нарушение неписаных правил. Тогда, возможно, этот канал бы не по
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