✳️ dcposch on daimo pfp
✳️ dcposch on daimo
we need more technooptimism in this country only 37% Americans say they'd fly to the moon if money was no obstacle spiritual poverty how do you look up at the FULL MOON and say "nahh, pass" and go back to netflix the same number say they'd ride in a driverless car 50/50 on nuclear https://i.imgur.com/BKXTWeF.png
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Adriana Lica pfp
Adriana Lica
Here are a few good reasons… 1. 40% of Americans are afraid of flying 2. 2.5-5% are clinically afraid so their doctor wouldn’t even let them 3. 39M in the world have debilitating acrophobia. The thought of heights and flying to the moon to see earth… would probably send them into a violent panic attack.
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Adriana Lica pfp
Adriana Lica
I think the pools should have accounted for the psychological factor. My dad is so afraid of flying and heights that if I asked him to come to the moon he’d shred his passport as an excuse.
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