balajis pfp
Operating systems are the systemic risk to crypto. If compelled by the state…Apple, Google, and Microsoft can backdoor billions of devices through software updates to scan for private keys. The capability exists.
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balajis pfp
Since time immemorial, bankrupt states (and their unfortunate citizens) have had a desperate appetite for hard currency. Historically, that’s meant gold, or stable foreign fiat. If cryptocurrency is auditioning for that role, it’s going to need to prove itself truly seizure-resistant. That means OS resistance.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Need a high taste UI/UX fork of Android
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Noah Bragg 🐟🥔 pfp
Noah Bragg 🐟🥔
That's why my private keys are written on a piece of paper.
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welter.eth @ farcon pfp
welter.eth @ farcon
what's the solution? dont use iphone/android? create new hardware device specifically for crypto?
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
What about amnesiac OS?
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welter.eth @ farcon pfp
welter.eth @ farcon
thank you balaji
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timdaub (🥝,🎩) pfp
timdaub (🥝,🎩)
funny then that you also say we‘re going to have Bitcoinization in the short term. You may be good at the macro, but to anyone good at the micro it isn‘t a surprise that OS providers or any other service providers could shut stuff down any time. I feel like people should pay less attention to ppl like you.
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Michael 🎩 pfp
Michael 🎩
Can someone please post the $5 hammer comic here.
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tomato pfp
Things that need to be the default in crpyto: 1. Open source software 2. Airgapped hardware wallets These are both necessary (but not sufficient) to maintain a reasonable amount of safety from backdoors.
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lücas  pfp
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🌹 Zach Harris 🥀 pfp
🌹 Zach Harris 🥀
🏴‍☠️ You mean PRISM wasn’t a hallucination? Snowden is a fugitive because he used his classified permission levels to keep it real. How is there not a whistleblower clause for concerned citizens to protect our rights to free-speech without it being weaponized (again)?
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