balajis pfp
Operating systems are the systemic risk to crypto. If compelled by the state…Apple, Google, and Microsoft can backdoor billions of devices through software updates to scan for private keys. The capability exists.
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balajis pfp
Since time immemorial, bankrupt states (and their unfortunate citizens) have had a desperate appetite for hard currency. Historically, that’s meant gold, or stable foreign fiat. If cryptocurrency is auditioning for that role, it’s going to need to prove itself truly seizure-resistant. That means OS resistance.
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moreReese pfp
I genuinely want to understand the connections here, because I think in doing so I can help make the world a better place. Try as I might, I’m struggling to make the connection between personal sovereignty, state treasury management, currency, state coercion, operating systems, CSAM scanning, and corporate policy
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Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵 pfp
Aaron Ferguson 🎩🏰📚🔵
Is this where something like Cartesi could come into play? I’ve heard it’s like “blockchain OS” but tbh have no clue really what that means
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