Antonio García Martínez pfp

Antonio García Martínez


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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
So good to bring this meme back. Been a while.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
This is like debating in which direction the sun rises in the morning.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
lol, no
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
You mean the group chats where really rich Americans talk about all their copes for dealing with the US, bullshit no European has to think about? I'm more gracious in those. I realize it might harm some egos.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
My last word was here, bro. That guy looks dumber than shit going to Europe and than wasting his time bitching about it. In the 90s and 2000s, nobody in the US bothered to whine about Europe because the US was indeed predominant. It wasn't even worth talking about. That same dipshit, next tweet, is bitching about how his car got broken into in NYC/SF/LA, or his public school is run by midwits, or some other piece of third world bullshit Americans never had to face before. It's so obviously all cope. If you're actually the big dog, well, stop whining like a little bitch about the Europooors. What's he even doing there? You think Parisians are hanging out in fucking Nashville or Dallas and making little videos about how it sucks? A. they wouldn't go there because most of the US is a fucking mall, and B, if they were, they'd feel so utterly superior they wouldn't even think of recording videos.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
That guy is in Paris, they're not protesting there. There's a bit of protest in BCN, over Airbnb, which has indeed ruined the old city.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
Americans went from being the guy on the left to being the guy on the right re: Europe, and somehow think it’s an upgrade.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
I deny all such allegations
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
With your MoZ boycott, I suspect we'll regain our lead.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
Barcelona is totally overrated, IMO, though I can see why outsiders like it. (Don't get me started on the Catalans.) If I'm being reclusive, probably where the family is from: gorgeous, green, gloomy Galicia. If I want a real city, Madrid obviously. Something in between like Pamplona or San Sebastian, also nice.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
Not sure, in general. Rage is my motivation for most things. Otherwise, I'm a lazy sod who'd prefer to lay about reading rather than interacting with the world.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
Prior to Berlin, had been living in Barcelona and presumably writing, but was mostly socializing and sight-seeing and doing some basic citizenship admin (first time I'd lived there as a citizen). Got close to zero writing done.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
The Germans even have a name for it (of course): brauereistrerben ('brewery death'). The native beer industry is essentially dying, and only revitalized by imported US beer culture.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
The latter. German beer, outside of lagers and wheats, is pretty mid. I'd go to the craft beer bars that looked as if drop-shipped from Portland or Seattle. Only Americans can manage to sell beer to Germans.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
I do like Rammstein!
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
It was duller than you can imagine. My German is iffy, and my local network was limited to German ad tech bros and visiting Spanish friends. Most days I wrote until 3-4pm or so, and then biked across Berlin in my ancient Soviet-era bike to Kreuzberg or Wedding (the actual cool parts) for craft beer, and then home.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
Seems a sort of reluctant empire. I'm not sure anything is replacing it, TBH. Nothing 'replaced' the Roman Empire (like the Roman Empire replaced the Carthaginians). You just had centuries of decay and the Dark Ages.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
British author John Gray is one of my favorites, and totally underrated in the US. Do we still have philosophers? I can't tell anymore.
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Antonio García Martínez pfp
Antonio García Martínez
I avoid physical (and metaphorical) mirrors as if they were lethal. They pop my solipsistic bubble.
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