Frames are great but it’s sad they’re used for so much to get around how limited farcaster protocol is
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Say more?
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Sure. So Farcaster has only a few social media primitives like Post, Favorite, Repeat, React. If you want to do any more than that you end up coding that into a frame. In the alternative standard ActivityPub you can just define a new vocabulary and start using it and clients can choose to implement support for it.
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The difference is that with AcitivityPub the data is directly in the social graph and usable for any purpose and you can add new vocabs infinitely. Frames silo that data away from the social graph, making it unusable and proprietary.
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There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods, frames dev faster and look flashy, vocabs take coordination and more implementation work. Both are good. I like frames. But I wish farcaster was flexible like activitypub for in-graph data.
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Really good thoughts I think the risk of being unopinionated is that at this stage, it’s important to not create bloat in protocol There’s relatively little product adoption outside of Warpcast so until there are additional clients that can drive enough demand to justify changing / pushing the spec in their direction, it’s not prudent to allow a broad vocabulary FC feels more like a Singapore if you want to make a nation-state comparison. It doesn’t have the scale or largesse to be able to afford a more laissez faire attitude towards protocol usage Curious what @v’s thoughts are here
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I have a bias toward really optimistic shared world building
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