Moon pfp



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Moon pfp
Does Ethereum account abstraction mean you could make subscription services that withdraw from an account instead of requiring an EOA initiate a transaction, say, monthly?
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Moon pfp
"Toxic positivity" is my current favorite concept. There is more than one definition, I like a couple of them.
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Moon pfp
Exploring counterparty for the first time in ten years.
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Moon pfp
Does anyone have a CLI tool (that works on Linux/MacOS) for assembling animated PNGs (APNG)?
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Moon pfp
I spend my time in a different social network that is all pathological personalities vying for dominance and with a huge compulsion to punish. You learn a lot about malicious and people and how they work that way. The first step is stop extending good faith when they give you multiple reasons. I don't see that here.
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Moon pfp
When you compromise with people you have to evaluate if they're looking for a way for peaceful coexistence or if they're cynically extracting concessions from you. "giving in because it's not that big of a deal" is a concession not a compromise. If you do that why would they stop? They have a list of things they want.
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Moon pfp
I wish I would have made a list of all the crypto projects I've notified of terrible bugs only to be ignored, sometimes seeing my fix slipped in to a release silently without being listed in the changelog.
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Moon pfp
I would rather see a stream of new stuff than opening warpcast and see the same thing at the top of my feed as last time. Maybe I am doing it work.
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Moon pfp
minted my /farcards
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Moon pfp
Warpcast is great but I would like to see pluggable feed algorithms.
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Moon pfp
guys I don't want a polycule.
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Moon pfp
The Bitcoin Lightning ecosystem is a graveyard.
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Moon pfp
Announcing the Zimbabwe Dollar Ethereum StableToken.
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Moon pfp
"Just run your own bitcoin node" "and eth node and Polygon node and Optimism node and Base node"
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Moon pfp
I had nothing but trouble with Erigon and finally removed it and started over a few weeks ago. I decided on Nethermind execution layer and Nimbus consensus layer. I got it set up and forgot about it for a few weeks until now. I just peeked in on it's just working fine. Good software.
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Moon pfp
Is there a way to purchase a warpcast account for someone else?
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Moon pfp
[17:27:53.707] INFO (7): Backfilled events for 397852 of 397853 FIDs. Estimated time remaining: 8 months, 1 week, 21 hours, 57 minutes, 12 seconds Any way to speed up the Farcaster replicator?
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Moon pfp
Kind of think every single auxiliary app in the crypto space should require two factor since pivoting on a compromised account that close to a wallet can do so much damage.
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Moon pfp
I haven't been experimenting with Frames lately, but I just took on a side-gig to do something REALLY cool with Base chain, Farcaster will see it first.
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Moon pfp
I may have lost the private key to my minion account lol.
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