Matt pfp



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Matt pfp
Your OG take wasn’t that Your OG take was that disagreement with QM labels you a crank to which I pointed out that this is very not true as evidenced by the 2022 Nobel prizes I agree with what you’re saying about interpretation mattering, but this now just feels like engagement bait
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Matt pfp
Incredibly mid curve take lmao QM is still exceptionally hotly contested so much that recent winners of 2022 Nobel were trying to poke holes in it as you mentioned in your video in the thread I don’t get the negativity here — QM continues to stun scientists that it’s an accurate description of the world
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Matt pfp
@paybot @robrecht 1 usdc
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Matt pfp
Seconding the @ameensol knife fight Most fomo I’ve ever had at a conference lmao
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Matt pfp
100% agree A for the culture moment for the ages
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Matt pfp
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Matt pfp
To drive this home — you can even use your own example of sears Sears was trying to do everything on retail extreme. An everything store, a catalogue, and a consumer credit card company. It got killed by 1000 cuts — internet as a catalogue, Amazon, and focused credit card conglomerates
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Matt pfp
Rare case where I disagree here. I think many such cases of death by 1000 cuts, bundling/unbundling, or blue ocean swallows red ocean for any product trying to do too much on any extreme. Think Netflix and YT. They grew from blue ocean from the middle, killed cable from either side (+ social), and now rebundle it
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Matt pfp
Often then surface news stories not in my bubble during the week because I’m only chronically online in tech specific areas like ZK and Aleo lmao
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Matt pfp
Nonetheless I still listen regularly. Imo it’s still a good gauge for knowing their info bubble and what’s on that the mind of that demographic (majority of Americans + boomer/stale capital allocators).
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Matt pfp
Retweet what @grace already mentioned It’s a bit of a “they don’t know we know that they know we know” vibe rn. Very obvious positioning on subject matter. Feels like they have $$ behind lately especially wrt politics
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Matt pfp
^^retweet this
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Matt pfp
Under 20k club checking in 🫡
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Matt pfp
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Matt pfp
If you’re here, you’re based and early
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Matt pfp
Under 20k club but damn under 2k is wild
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Matt pfp
Damn that’s a flex I didn’t know existed
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Matt pfp
Corporate paperwork is the worst
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Matt pfp
People really do be saying anything way too loud in coffee shops though
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Matt pfp
Qawah house in Brooklyn is 🐐🐐
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