Health is wealth!
Work stress has been more balanced, but comes and goes. My wife and I take the dogs for a walk more frequently. We try to do it everyday, but sometimes it's just not possible.
I've reached a new "weight" goal and also my pants are really starting to fall off me, which I'm not use to. Next year, I'd like to get down to a certain weight, but my focus is getting more muscle though. Muscle is the first thing that goes when you get older.
My neck, my back, everything is out of whack. I've seen the chiropractor 4 times this year already (all within the last 2 months).
Looking to strengthen my back, shoulder and neck. More mobility and resistant workouts.
Also, handle stress better. Spend more time with family. I stress about always saving and making $, but sometimes we also have to enjoy it. The problem I have about trying to enjoy it is that I CAN'T ENJOY IT. My family can, but it's hard for me to justify value in doing something when I'm use to SAVE SAVE SAVE INVEST INVEST INVEST and SAVE! 1 reply
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