Yung Zo pfp

Yung Zo


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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
I'm eating like shit lately. Craving sweets, drinking coffee, eating my kids animal crackers and chocolate chips. LOL. I've been down this road and I know where I'm headed if I don't snap out of it. I have been stressed and sleep deprived. I've also been stressed and anxious lately. I'm swamped with work (full time and contract), but I have anxiety over my future. I think it's a possibility that I can be let go of at my full time position. Just reading the tea leaves, company looking for more funding, budget cuts, weird slack vibe (no messages), team morale. Rumblings of people being asked to either convert to contract work or resign. Also looking at the job market and flood of web developers, but lack of hiring. More tech layoffs, etc. It's a weird feeling, but it's one of those feelings where I keep waiting for the other shoe to fall. The Trump admin is really unnerving to me, but it's out of my control. I do what I can and it just feels like we all have to survive and hope for the best. Weird Times!
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Being Sleep Deprived The older I get, the more I get affected by sleep deprivation. When I was younger, I could just bounce back. I could sleep anywhere (on the floor, couch, a box) and wake up without any issues or any achy muscles. Now, if I fall asleep on a chair, the couch, too many pillows, etc it throws my alignment off. I've set a goal for this year to avg 6hrs of sleep. So far, I'm not meeting those numbers. I'm averaging 5hs of sleep a night. In reality, its more like 3-4 hours a night then I make it up on the weekend (but not really). This past week wasn't great as I was stressing myself to get going on a freelance project I'm working on. New week, new outlook, new perspective. I had a good reset last night, even though it was hard for me to wake up. I had my cup of coffee already and I'm ready to hit the road running today.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
I haven't been updating, but it's not to say I don't have any updates. Health & Fitness Dealing and management of stress is one extreme or another for me. I'm either losing hair and weight or I'm snacking away and allowing distractions to fill my time. I've gotten my weight down close to pre-holiday weight, but it's crept back up. My measurements are fairly the same, but my resistance/weight training has improved. Even though "weight go up" makes me thinking I'm gaining weight (fat), I think I'm actually gaining muscle weight and body recompositioning is happening. I do see more definition and less fat around me. However, ideally, ngl, I'd like to be about 5-10 lb lighter. If I can maintain current weight this year, I'll be happy. If I can drop another 5-10 by end of year, then I would be ecstatic.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Feeling Overwhelmed I think I need to just carve out time, sitdown with no music, and just write down some work priorities I have. I feel like I have a lot to do and I'm doing that thing where I'm just allowing distractions to take up my time.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
*Big Sigh* and a F.U. Letting this out before the feeling is gone. I was on call with engineering team and marketing to go over next phases for moving next region/country store to BigCommerce from Shopify. They head of Engineering pulled a few of us marketing people to the side to let us know there's tons of shit behind the scene. Contracts not being made good one, integrations not working, just a whole failure for the most part. Sounds like we could possibly move back/state on Shopify, which is what I would love because I don't want to migrate over to BigCommerce.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Start of the work week I had yesterday off for MLK. The company I work for doesn't normally make MLK a company holiday, but this year they did. We took the kids out to experience "The Old Spaghetti Factory". They enjoyed it. We got seated in a Trolly Cart, which was cool and kids were like "omg awesome, what is this?????". Wife and I haven't had spaghetti in such a long time, so this was a treat. We don't consume much carbs except for your daily slice of toast. It's time to get realigned. > Getting back to my mindfullness, weening off of caffeine > Looking to get back under my pre-holiday weight > 70 Pushups in one go > Continue the hard work on freelance/contract work. > Continue the hard work on regular day job. > Make sure to disconnect from work > Dog Training inside the house
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Market Sentiment It can flip just like that! I was annoyed that $SOL was below $200 last month and just like that it’s prob hitting NEW ATH’s every hour. Don’t be greedy. Remember your plans and take actions accordingly. Nothing is certain!
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Update #7 - End of Work Week I've had a very productive work week. I got a lot of shit done with my office work. I also set aside 1-2 hours first thing in the morning and 1-2 hours before bed towards my contract/freelance work. Dog Training I introduced, properly, getting in-n-out of car to Maggie (Pit). I tried with Cody (Lab), but he's very stubborn. Going to probably spend more time with Cody on this. Crypto + Stocks We're recovering. I have written and mulled over some thoughts about exiting and planning for next cycle already, but I need to focus on my exit targets. I said I'd get more serious about taking profit aggressively at the start of the new year and I see my portfolio back to previous ATH. Fitness I did 60 pushups in one go. All the sets I did during the week was practice so I can do my one set of high reps at end of week. Goal is to get to 100 pushups in one go, then I'll ease up and work on low rep, slow and correct form pushups.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Update #6 - Dog Training I made an effort to really focus on the heel position and a loose leash walk. I spent the first 10 minutes with Maggie in the backyard to get her warmed up and familiar with the heel command. I got her comfy with the position/placement I'd like her to be in during a heel command. I put in the effort and the repetitions for this session. We made our way to the front yard. I walked her around the driveway. I walked her around the lawn. I walked her up and down the sidewalk. Desirable behavior -> Marked with a "Yes" -> Rewarded with a treat. Rinse and repeat. Non-desirable behavior -> Marked with a "No" -> Quick pop on the leash. Rinse and hopefully I don't have to repeat.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Update #4 - Reviewing My List of Goals Completed [X] Repair Laminate (not vinyl) Floor slats - I did this over the weekend. Tiring, but satisfied with finally repairing it. Small touchups are needed and I can't get lazy on it, but I'm almost done. [X] Repair/Replace Fake Grass - Done [X] Christmas Decorations have been put away Immediate [-] Shred Paper - Started, but there's tons of paper still [ ] Tidy up Office - I'm failing here. -- I'm not trying to hold myself in a strict accountability with these tasks, however there's just something that hit me different where I'm just on a roll. I don't want the house to get cluttered or go unfixed so I just get on top of the issue and try to ride it. In Queue [ ] Declutter Garage Space [ ] Renovate Laundry Room [ ] Dog Training - Getting In and Out of Car [ ] Backyard Landscaping
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Streaming Thoughts Rough morning waking up for me. Body is achy and sore from doing handy work around the house this weekend. Markets, both crypto and equities, look like crap. I don’t want to think about it but I am. No doom scrolling today or this week. Focus on office and contract work this week. Continue to clean up eating habits.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Update #4 Diet + Consistency I've been consistent. My habits are improving. Less snacks in in between meals and also cutting off snacks after dinner. I do allow myself to indulge in "sweets", but the difference is over indulgence vs actually enjoying and appreciating the "sweets". Fitness + Consistency My workouts have been consistent. They're basic. I don't set out an allocated time to just do exercises. I need to have it spread out to help also break up my work schedule. Daily: Mobility, Stretching, Abs, and Pushups Every Other Day: Squats, Curl Bar, Plank/Core I try to do 8,000 steps a day, but failing. However my avg is higher than 8,000 steps a day. Physically/Appearance, best shape in my life. Cardio/Endurance health is very basic. I'm breathing hard if I have to do a full on sprint, but working on this.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Reviewing My Immediate and Mid-term Goals Immediate [X] Christmas Decorations have been put away [-] Shred Paper - Started, but there's tons of paper still [ ] Tidy up Office - I'm failing here. Mid [-] Repair Laminate (not vinyl) Floor slats - Initiated troubleshooting, but still has more work to be done. [X] Repair/Replace Fake Grass - Done On Going [X] Dog Training - I've been on top of this [X] Mindfulness - I've been on top of this - journaling, reflecting on the days events when I do stretches at night [X] Research on Dog Trainers - I halted research on trainers, but have been researching dog training methods, basics, etc. [ ] Woodworking - No progress, put on hold for now. [X] Making more with less - I believe I'm doing this. I'm trying to make the most with what I have before adding anything else to the equation
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
LA Fires / Southern California High Wind Warnings The fire that's spreading throughout LA is heartbreaking. It probably hits harder for me because I'm close to the area vs someone who doesn't live in California. I'm not directly affected, but many people I work with are dealing with. The dirty air, clouds of smoke, and even ashes are felt all the way here in Orange County. My marketing director's home is possible burned down. All I know is they evacuated there home (which was built and completed a year or two ago). The founders of the company I work for, there homes are completely burned down. The neighborhood was burned down. Possibly the entire Palisades is burned down. Definitely not the way to start a new year. My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone in the area.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Working From Home It's a busy work day. Heads down, type on keyboard, read through emails type of day. I live in Southern California where we've been notified of high wind and fire warnings since last week. My area, luckily, is safe from fires at the moment. However, LA is a different story. Just one small spark somewhere can spread so easily because of the winds happening right now. That's what is currently happening in the LA (Palisades/Malibu area). It's crazy when this happens here. Happens almost every year, except maybe the past 2 years because we got large amounts of rain during that time. I hope anyone and everyone in LA stays safe. If your area is being called to evacuate as a precaution, then PLEASE EVACUATE. This shit is not a thing to FAFO with.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Update #3 I'm sure there will be lulls in productivity and progress, but I think the shift of a "new year" mindset has helped keep the momentum going. Getting use to my morning routine again. Kid's are back in school, meaning I wake up around 6am. I help wake the kids up while my wife gets breakfast ready for them. After that I get my first cup of coffee, wake up a little more, hangout with the kids and chill for a bit. I feed the dogs when the kids start to dress up for school. That's how my day is started. I don't have breakfast until my wife and I get back from dropping the kids off, which is around 8'ish. I lost another pound or so. My optimized eating habits are slowly coming back. I still need to clean up my snacking in between meals, but I don't eat any snacks after dinner/dessert. I still need to cut down on coffee, but my blood pressure readings have been good (normal).
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
NGL, markets tend to play a role in productivity. If I'm too glued to watching charts go up, it makes me not want to work. Today's a mixed/down day so I'll try not to give it any attention and focus on work, fitness, and dog training today.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Update #2 Feeling productive, but I had a hard time waking up this morning. I stayed up really late. I did some journal writing, mindfulness, letting go of things that I shouldn't let fester. I want to be a better "me" so that I can be a better version for my family and everyone else. Dog training has been good. I'm seeing progress and I'm feeling more confident about myself leading Maggie (new adopted pit). My holiday weight is gradually shedding off. I'm down another pound as of today. A coding/logic issue I ran into last Friday is possibly solved. I got a fresh start this morning, thought through options of how to do certain things: Is customer verified? If verified, how can I apply a discount to XYZ product? What are the edge cases that customer is using a shared link, I need to prevent discount, etc etc etc. I think I got things solved. Nice weather out. Kids are back in school for the new year. I'm about to go with wifey to walk the dogs.
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
My Reminders Immediate > Put Away Christmas Decorations > Shred Paper > Tidy Up Office Get to It Sooner than Later > Repair damage vinyl floor slats > Repair/Replace Fake Grass On Going > Dog Training > Mindfullness > Organize Freelance Projects To Do > Research Dog Trainers > Woodworking > Make more with less
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Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
A New Year! I overindulged in great food and I am ok with it. I gained 5 lbs and a waist measurement went up a smidge, but it’s ok. For me, it’s not losing weight that’s hard but keeping it off and being consistent. However I’ve been able to maintain at minimum and slowly shed weight for the past 3 years. One of my main focus that I’m building up on is strength training (core and back) along with hip and leg mobility. I’ve started seeing a chiropractor which has helped tremendously, but would like to prevent achy and weak muscles. Feeling good. Health is wealth and Family over Everything!
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