Yung Zo pfp
Yung Zo
Update #2 Feeling productive, but I had a hard time waking up this morning. I stayed up really late. I did some journal writing, mindfulness, letting go of things that I shouldn't let fester. I want to be a better "me" so that I can be a better version for my family and everyone else. Dog training has been good. I'm seeing progress and I'm feeling more confident about myself leading Maggie (new adopted pit). My holiday weight is gradually shedding off. I'm down another pound as of today. A coding/logic issue I ran into last Friday is possibly solved. I got a fresh start this morning, thought through options of how to do certain things: Is customer verified? If verified, how can I apply a discount to XYZ product? What are the edge cases that customer is using a shared link, I need to prevent discount, etc etc etc. I think I got things solved. Nice weather out. Kids are back in school for the new year. I'm about to go with wifey to walk the dogs.
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