Yung Zo
Reviewing My Immediate and Mid-term Goals Immediate [X] Christmas Decorations have been put away [-] Shred Paper - Started, but there's tons of paper still [ ] Tidy up Office - I'm failing here. Mid [-] Repair Laminate (not vinyl) Floor slats - Initiated troubleshooting, but still has more work to be done. [X] Repair/Replace Fake Grass - Done On Going [X] Dog Training - I've been on top of this [X] Mindfulness - I've been on top of this - journaling, reflecting on the days events when I do stretches at night [X] Research on Dog Trainers - I halted research on trainers, but have been researching dog training methods, basics, etc. [ ] Woodworking - No progress, put on hold for now. [X] Making more with less - I believe I'm doing this. I'm trying to make the most with what I have before adding anything else to the equation
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