Yung Zo
I haven't been updating, but it's not to say I don't have any updates. Health & Fitness Dealing and management of stress is one extreme or another for me. I'm either losing hair and weight or I'm snacking away and allowing distractions to fill my time. I've gotten my weight down close to pre-holiday weight, but it's crept back up. My measurements are fairly the same, but my resistance/weight training has improved. Even though "weight go up" makes me thinking I'm gaining weight (fat), I think I'm actually gaining muscle weight and body recompositioning is happening. I do see more definition and less fat around me. However, ideally, ngl, I'd like to be about 5-10 lb lighter. If I can maintain current weight this year, I'll be happy. If I can drop another 5-10 by end of year, then I would be ecstatic.
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