YB pfp
If you are an active creator on @paragraph, please comment a link to your newsletter. I want to subscribe and support 🤝 I was also thinking of making a TG group to help each other brainstorm ideas, edit, co-author, cross post, etc.
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
Haven’t been publishing lately since I’ve fallen off my wagon for a bit now. Paragraph.xyz/@lesgreys
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YB pfp
No worries! I'm a huge fan of your short posts - they're to the point and don't feel overwhelming. Any ideas you've been meaning to explore recently?
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
The title of that blog really summarizes- Into The Web. The narrative of transitioning from a physical economy to a digital one. And the list of writings I have already composed but waiting for editing & publishing in my personal site. Lesgreys.com
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