YB pfp



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YB pfp
So if you’re a /diet-coke enthusiast, all of your followers will see your silly casts about caffeine in their home feeds, even if they prefer /coffee or Pepsi. But with narrowcasts, you can limit your casts to only followers of /diet-coke.
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YB pfp
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YB pfp
currently nominating myself for a @base grant because I am poor and would like to eat more chipotle in q3
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YB pfp
had a blast presenting /toc & The Terminal last week at the USV office thanks for having me @nik @jaredhecht.eth
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YB pfp
"wait but why" is easily the best blog name i've come across
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YB pfp
Just submitted my first entry to @daylight. Targeted casters in the Base channel & uploaded my /toc hypersub CSV as well. Currently the paragraph post has 2 mints, let's see what it looks like in the next couple of days. Think there's still friction in people actually minting but I'll track page views as well
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YB pfp
This week is the first Farcaster /writinghackathon - the purpose of this event is to contribute to the Farcaster canon, solve current challenges within the community, and help create Farcaster's future. I'd love to dig into the /techarchive and curate iconic tech essays blog posts, & manifestos that inspired their respective eras. I'm sure the participants will enjoy reading through some of the writing and will use it as inspiration for the hackathon to come up with lindy posts of their own. "The best way to make a better future is to imagine it and then write it down"
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YB pfp
The /toc community ran a "BeOnchain" game where players had to mint the NFT of the day to keep their streak. Everyone with the highest streak at the end of the season received a portion of the 100k /higher prize pool. We had 25 winners each receive 4k ↑ Play game --> mint --> support artists --> earn higher
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YB pfp
Huge shoutout to the 7 artists for their amazing work in season 1 of The Terminal!
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YB pfp
The /toc community shipped a "BeOnchain" minting game last month. Everyday, a notification would be sent out at a random time & players had 1 hour to mint in order to keep their streak. Season 1, which lasted a week, included 7 Farcaster native artists and drove 1,300 mints on @base 🔥 Read more in the post below
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YB pfp
Took a 1 month hiatus from posting on the TOC @paragraph as I was 100% focused on shipping the /toc PWA. But finally got around to writing up my journey & reflections on the "BeOnchain" game. Check it out below - this week's post will have more on what I'm thinking about next with the channel client. https://onchainletters.xyz/terminal
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YB pfp
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YB pfp
trying out wildcard rn
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YB pfp
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YB pfp
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YB pfp
Fire episode by Ted and Jonny, just listened to it last night and loved their thoughts on "lifestyle vs venture backed founders" Also Ted calling out Jonny at the end about the hot girls activity was hilarious..."it wasn't emoji emoji emoji" Already a /manysuchcases subscriber so got the episode airdropped to me 🤝
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YB pfp
someone make a version for this year pls https://zora.co/collect/eth:0xdf5b19c367b4f3369e3fce60cbbac41a2d63b937?referrer=0xbc262a12884F176e3e1feee3D6E1cCEF9f355929&parent_url=https%3A%2F%2Fonchainletters.xyz%2F
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YB pfp
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YB pfp
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YB pfp
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