Xing pfp
行业日新月异,其实有个隐藏的坏习惯是...看起来每天都在从文章和分析里学习,一天下来感觉很充实,好像做了很多事也很Degen,啥都能聊两句...最后什么结果也没有,光顾着临渊羡鱼自得其乐了。 The Big Bang Theory里有段经典对话: Leonard: Remember when you tried to learn how to swim using the internet? Sheldon: I did learn how to swim Leonard: On the floor Sheldon: The skills are transferable.I just have no interest in going in the water Leonard: Then why learn how to swim? Sheldon: The ice caps are melting,Leonard.In the future,swimming is not going to be optional. Don't learn Crypto on CT
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0xLuo pfp
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