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Wesley— oss/acc pfp
Wesley— oss/acc
What are the best ways to keep (offchain) profile/metadata in sync with a smart contract? Like a tokenuri with metadata.json on IPFS.. The data could get updated frequently tho and I'd like to avoid updating the hash every time. Any suggestions?
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Andrew pfp
Goldsky has a product called Mirror that lets you stream onchain data directly into your db with offchain data. Should be pretty easy to build a workflow that ties metadata back to chain events (in realtime).
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avi pfp
how frequent do you expect data to change?
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shazow pfp
I just store the block number since my last cache and replay the log events since then to catch up. I even do that on the client side, since it's one query and pretty quick if cache is recent enough.
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ukstv pfp
A month old, but still a valid question. One approach is to use Ceramic for storage. Another approach is to use CCIP aka EIP-3668, similar to how offchain ENS works.
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
whats the use case? can you thegraph?
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