Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp

Liang /degencast SOON🎩


3360 Following

Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
/degencast solve this with /arweave
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
"Proof of work" for major social networks from chatgpt: 1. Facebook: • Proof of Work: Likes, shares, friends. • How-to Gain Status: Post engaging content, interact with friends, join and participate in groups. 2. Twitter: • Proof of Work: Followers, retweets, likes. • How-to Gain Status: Tweet frequently, engage with trending topics, interact with followers. 3. Instagram: • Proof of Work: Followers, likes, comments. • How-to Gain Status: Post high-quality photos/videos, use hashtags, engage with followers’ content. 4. LinkedIn: • Proof of Work: Connections, endorsements, recommendations. • How-to Gain Status: Network with professionals, share industry-relevant content, endorse others. 5. TikTok: • Proof of Work: Views, likes, shares. • How-to Gain Status: Create trending and engaging videos, use popular music and hashtags 6. Reddit: • Proof of Work: Upvotes, karma points. • How-to Gain Status: Post valuable content, participate in discussions, follow subreddit rules
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
I have a proposal for /degencast in addition to being $DEGEN native Farcaster Client: Curate content. Powered by $DEGEN. Degencast enables content curation on Farcaster. Users stake $DEGEN tokens to propose and curate content, minting tokens on a bonding curve, and trading them on Uniswap. Quality content is rewarded, spam is eliminated, and genuine interactions thrive. It’s the ultimate platform for engaging, decentralized content curation. “Curate with integrity, vibe with positivity.” — DegenCaster
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
summary: - make $ - make friends - have fun
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
From perplexity: People buy meme coins for several reasons: 1. Potential for high returns: Some investors are attracted to meme coins due to their potential for explosive price growth in a short period. The success stories of early Dogecoin or Shiba Inu investors have fueled this perception[1][3]. 2. Low entry barrier: Meme coins are often very cheap, allowing investors to purchase large quantities for a small amount of money. This can be psychologically appealing, especially to younger or novice investors[1]. 3. Community and entertainment: Buying meme coins often means joining a vibrant online community. Many investors enjoy the shared experience, humor, and sense of belonging that comes with participating in meme coin culture[2][4]. 4. Speculation and gambling: Some treat meme coins as a form of gambling, hoping to profit from short-term price movements driven by hype and social media trends[3].
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
记得改channel 名字和描述
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
really nice tools
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
The obvious pain points on Farcaster now: Proof of Human
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
Stay tuned!
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
V2 is on the horizon. give us follow here
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
Something $DEGEN
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
not sure if all these .fun domain would cut it... but can't help get a few for /degencast 😆 😆 😆
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
谁来做MegaSOL... infra赛道多好啊
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
One of the most influential Chinese crypto media just launched their built-in Farcaster client
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
Base 最大最“多元”
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
base 上总算有牛逼的DeFi项目了
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
@liang Wealthy nations have to privilege to say no to technology like nuclear power and self driving cars while the developing countries would just go ahead..,no%20official%20updates%20to%20share.
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Liang /degencast SOON🎩 pfp
Liang /degencast SOON🎩
I knew this is not what to expect on FC ... haha Banger!
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