Will Papper pfp

Will Papper


404 Following

Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
One rule of thumb we have internally is: “If something in crypto is hard, wait six months and it will become easy.” The infrastructure in the space develops so quickly that if you find yourself rolling a complex solution by hand, someone is probably building it as a product (Embedded wallets is a perfect example)
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
If you could stake tokens for a Power Badge and be slashed if you spam, how much would you stake? (I have no knowledge of the roadmap, just a fun thought experiment!)
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Composer Bug: Casts are deleted (not saved in drafts) if you accidentally press the back button on web. I lost a cast I had spent a long time typing up due to this. Steps to reproduce (Chrome on Mac as an example): 1. Type cast 2. Press back button Expected behavior: Warning is presented and/or cast is saved in draft Actual behavior: No warning is presented and cast is not saved. Cast is lost.
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Bug report: Trying to pay out for a Bountycaster bounty, but pay button is non-functional for me on all profiles Video example attached
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
The simplest thing an open source project can do to be "contributor-friendly" is to respond to pull requests quickly. That + good setup instructions feels like the differentiator between the best open source projects and the rest Excellent example is the Foundry/Reth/Alloy suite, where we've had PRs merged in hours
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
@bountybot 50 USDC for examples of smart contract-based donation models using token yield. See thread for discussion context The yield must be donated via a smart contract. Crypto donations that do not use a smart contract (e.g. direct donations to specific addresses) will NOT qualify. Likewise, crypto donations via a smart contract that use the principal and not the yield will NOT qualify. Yield must be donated. stETH and stablecoin examples preferred. EVM-based examples preferred. 10 USDC each to the five most relevant examples. If there are fewer than five relevant examples, the 50 USDC will be split evenly among them. Duplicate answers will not be relevant and will be first come, first served.
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Friday nights are for setting up Sepolia nodes
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
- 09-12: Java - 13: Java, but on Android - 14: HTML/CSS/JS - 15-18: Python and JS - 19-20: JS, a bit of Go and Swift - 21-23: Solidity, formal verification specs - 24: Solidity, Rust
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
We have two support chats with @conduit set up for help now that the chain is back. One is for builders on Degen whose apps may be missing transactions Another is for community members on Degen whose wallets may be missing transactions DM me with any questions and I can get you added to the right chat with @conduit!
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Is there a dashboard that shows Nouns proposals ordered by funding amount requested? Would be helpful for getting new members up to speed on the major initiatives like Nounish and Nouns Esports
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
@conduit is working on resolving issues with the Degen Chain. Should be back to normal in around an hour
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Here are the resources that we mentioned in our @syndicate talk! Syndicate Frame API: https://frame.syndicate.io/ Example Frame: https://warpcast.com/will/0x66826dd0 Transaction Cloud Dashboard: https://dashboard.syndicate.io/ Documentation: https://docs.syndicate.io/get-started/introduction Join us at /syndicate!
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Many members of the /syndicate team is at FarHack. Come chat with us if you have questions about our Frame API (https://frame.syndicate.io/), Transaction Cloud, or deploying to L3s like Degen!
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Giving a lightning talk on Syndicate’s Transaction Cloud and a Degen L3 demo at FarHack! Starting around 12 PM If you’re at FarHack, come find me for any questions! If you’re not at FarHack, DM me and I can send you the materials
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Our talk at FarCon with @syndicate and /degen starts in just over an hour! It will be recorded for people who aren’t able to attend live. Drop questions in the linked cast below! https://warpcast.com/ted/0x36d9bde9
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Under 24 hours left to apply for Glitch Artist grants supported by /nouns! 5 grants of 3 ETH each are available. Voting will be by the Glitch community of artists and Nouns holders + delegates! https://prop.house/0xd7744ae5e63d702e3e9f437943e530fae6c0cb4f
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12 reactions

Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
At this point, I’d choose 1 follower on Warpcast over 10 followers on Twitter The community of builders on Warpcast is unmatched. Twitter feels like it’s filled with PR and marketing only at this point
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
The bridge delay for the Degen L3 should be fully resolved! Check https://explorer.degen.tips/ for your wallet and you should see the Degen tokens in your account Special shoutout to @decentxyz who worked tirelessly throughout the day to resolve this! DM them if you have questions https://warpcast.com/will/0x6d539e95
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
Investigating delayed bridging due to the traffic load on the DEGEN L3. Your funds will arrive, they will only take a bit longer!
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Will Papper pfp
Will Papper
4M+ transactions on $DEGEN chain across 100K+ wallets! We’re headed for liftoff 🎩🚀
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