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wijuwiju.eth (mopzy.eth)
don't use @alchemyplatform
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✳️ dcposch on daimo
What happened?
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wijuwiju.eth (mopzy.eth)
seems they've discovered a novel business model, where you pay $5k a month for a single service listening to new blocks...
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welp 🎩🌸
Hey, I surfaced this post to them via our tg, hope you guys can work something out. That seems very expensive!
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✳️ dcposch on daimo
! how often are you polling getHeads?
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Nick Yushkevich
oh no! sorry to shill here but I definitely feel that @quicknode Streams would be way more reliable and cost-effective solution to get new blocks and transactions. we built it exactly to solve this problem + help with reorgs and more
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Glenn Rothwell
Hey there! Sorry to hear that you had this experience, would definitely like to help make things right if possible. It sounds like you may have already gotten in touch with someone on the team about optimizing your usage, but if not feel free to DM me here or email
[email protected]
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