icebreaker pfp
Announcing Merlin: IRL NFT Minter app by Icebreaker Minting NFTs to people IRL is hard. We made it easy IRL UX and open source code! Include your own NFT artwork, choose your chain, and even end with a survey HQ video here: 1/
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blobs pfp
possible to do dynamic NFT allow lists?
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icebreaker pfp
anything's possible if you dream it, blobs 🤩 but yeah it's open source so you could conceivably add that @web3pm?
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Dan | Icebreaker pfp
Dan | Icebreaker
Yea, this is doable. The contract itself has a resettable allowlist functionality. It also supports signature based minting, which would support fully dynamic minting. Feel free to dm/dc if you want to chat specifics!
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blobs pfp
will do and will keep this in mind for future drops 🙏
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