Murtaza Hussain pfp
Murtaza Hussain
Ever since I know that I have a guaranteed 5USDC coming in daily my behavior in daily life has been far more carefree. I don’t mind if my car gets scratched up or dented while driving, since I can always just pay to have it repaired later. When I’m at a restaurant, I no longer bother agonizing over the right thing to order. I simply order one of each item from the entire menu and enjoy. I no longer bother trying to manically tidy up the house, or even keep it clean in general. If my house is dirty, I will simply wait a few weeks and buy a new one. This is the power of knowing that no matter what every day 5USDC is guaranteed. I call it the 5USDC mindset.
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web3Gurung pfp
this is hilarious 5 usdc can definitely change a human life
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