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kompreni 🅱️ ⚡
...and we're live! You can now earn $JOBS by staking any of the following coins: 2% - $OPN 2% - $TREE 2% - $BORED 2% - $WTW 4% - $TYBG 4% - $BLEU 4% - $FARTHER 4% - $TERMINAL 6% - $BUILD 6% - $HIGHER 6% - $TN100x 6% - $MIGGLES 20% - $REFI + we have a surprise 12% allocation to announce next week.
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Walleteer 🎩
For the “something” in the future, that “something” can’t be staked just yet, correct? i.e., there’s no way to stake in advance?
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kompreni 🅱️ ⚡
haha, correct, yes
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