Content pfp
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wake pfp
back in november, no one on twitter knew about farcaster. by december, ct transplants of two kinds began arriving, drawn like moths to our bright, beaming shitcoins: >profiteers, inspired by $POINTS (then $DEGEN) and the farcaster narrative >tourists, who follow profiteers but have no skin in the game the ct transplant tourists were gone by May/ June. the ct transplant profiteers who haven't left are still churning and will exit by end-of-year. their fortunes ride or die with twitter, whether they realize it or not. markers: >exited farcaster social tokens (all at once or progressively, disillusioned) >out of alignment with native farcaster token economy (no tribe) >pontificated often and loudly on why: [insert reasons here, usual blah blah] >theatrical pivot to alternative crypto scenes (Solana, usually) risk: >ct profiteers are habitually toxic: their farcaster shitcoin profits were less than they wanted (of course) and that makes them bitter and unneighborly. fascinating to watch play out, tho 🍿
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Trebor🎩🟡 pfp
I see some of the ct profiteers occasionally come back, make 4728183 casts in a day and then disappear again So boring
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wake pfp
yep. boring. their recycled memes and shallow takes were probably scheduled in advance and they're largely absent. you can tell; they don't feel "present"
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