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Anyone else interested in a thread sharing the spiritual teachers that have influenced them most? I'll try kicking it off. I began my journey listening to Alan Watts and Osho and would listen to their talks for hours. More recently I've found Adyashanti and Dr Jeffrey Martin to be the most influential/resonant with me. Would love to hear more/find connections
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vpabundance.eth 🟡 🟪
I have a very unique path (as we all do), and this is somewhat of a different answer. But I have found plant medicines to be the most profound teachers in my life. Ceremonies related to Ayahuasca, 5meo, Psilocybin as well as many others. The teachings these plant medicines offer when you set intention is profound.
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I'm somewhere in the middle between these two, but also very grounded in science as a former neuroscientist always looking for ways to self-experiment. On spiritual tradition side, The Tao of Physics was my first entry to this. Written in 1975, revised in 2010, still holds up. Godel, Escher, Bach was another early read that got me interested in nature of consiousness. Lately I've listened to quite a few Watts lectures and am amazed how many hold up and were even predictive of findings in neuroscience over last 50 years.
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