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Victor Ma 🧾
thinking a bit about "aha moments" right now, consumer has unique challenges and attention spans are short my farcaster aha moment was getting a like and a reply from dan immediately after my first cast i think if i casted and nobody engaged i would've churned and went right back to twitter (can't remember now, but if you told me dan was the only person to like my first handful of casts i'd believe you) it's been a while since i've seen the warpcast onboarding flow and i'm sure it's changed a lot, but this might be interesting: 1) user signs up 2) during onboarding they get prompted to follow certain channels (maybe recommended by interests) 3) there's a CTA to make your first cast within one of those channels 4) channel leads make sure to thoughtfully engage with every new thoughtful cast in a channel (this is the important part)
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Giwa 🎩
I've thought about this too, everyone want to feel seen. Most people sign up, cast and after a week get marked as spam because no one interact with their casts, they leave and never come back.
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Shira Stember
Might be nice to have a visual cue applied to all profile images of people who are new and then encourage/reward people to welcome and engage with them
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