Victor Ma 🧾 pfp

Victor Ma 🧾


910 Following

Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
a few months ago, 1,000 miles was a stretch goal for the receipts community i honestly wasn't sure if we'd be able to do it, but seeing people motivating and encouraging each other to push further expanded my belief of what was possible now we hit 1,000+ miles every single week as a group 🫡🧾
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
it's beautiful
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52 reactions

Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
if you're invested in ASCIIs sell now
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
when you're an anon wallet but still need to sign for a multi-sig
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
new meme template just dropped
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
the beautiful thing about degen isn't the price or market cap, it's the 170,000+ holders users/wallets that any app can seamlessly tap into to bootstrap their community
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
cody puts in the work and has the receipts to prove it been following his running journey for the past year, @steph and i even had the chance to cheer him on during the philly half in november will be rooting for him in eugene too 🫡
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
____ _ _ | _ \ ___ ___ ___ (_) _ __ | |_ ___ | |_) |/ _ \ / __|/ _ \| || '_ \ | __|/ __| | _ <| __/| (__| __/| || |_) || |_ \__ \ |_| \_\\___| \___|\___||_|| .__/ \__||___/ |_|
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
had a tough long run workout today, but fought through as best i could and PR'd in mileage this week 5 weeks until the brooklyn half
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
good opportunity
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
felt this in my soul
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
i'm joining /voyagers on their journey April 16th this is fire
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
i'm just not an audio first person :(
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
casual 32 miler around the perimeter of manhattan 😮‍💨
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
make something people want to tell their friends and family about at dinner
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
even Walter Bloomberg is down bad
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
our weekly leaderboard when you refresh your workouts
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
me pulling up to the track when it's 22 degrees
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
they really gave us bonbon and laurel in the same week lol
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