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Five facts about Gulliver and his "evil" author.
Fact one. Gulliver's book was written by a man with a nasty temper.
The man's name was Jonathan Swift, a priest by profession, a writer by occupation, and a troll by vocation. He was best at mocking people.
As dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, Swift once noticed that many graves in the cathedral came to a deplorable state. Then he wrote to the descendants of the dilapidated dead and asked for money to restore the grave of an ancestor. And immediately warned - if anyone is quiet, silent and will not give money, Swift will pay for repairs from their own, or rather, from the money of the parish. But in retaliation will write on the tombstone that the descendants of this worthy man - greedy misers.
Everyone laughed, but in vain - the first such inscription appeared on the grave of one of the ancestors of the then King of Great Britain - George II, who not only did not give money, but even did not respond to the letter. 0 reply
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