JAKE pfp
don't be afraid to speak on QR i know you've seen it even if you feel like you don't know enough to form an opinion, you probably have 1 anyway we are opinion-forming creatures, so let me know what you think
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vanishingideal pfp
So is it like an internet billboard that changes everyday?
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JAKE pfp
yes what do you think about that? or without learning more, what would that look like or why or how would or could that be interesting to you?
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vanishingideal pfp
Not sure. I don't know you, but I think you have the reach/smarts to make it work at scale. I saw that #2 had a final bid of 0.26 ETH and worry about the short auction cycle but I like the self-regulating hype you've created around it in the last couple of days. If I had no more information, I'd wonder what a "bidding war" looked like. My first thought is something more combative between projects with large pockets and newer/smaller projects that might coordinate to counter-bid against them. Why aren't bids denominated in $QR?
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JAKE pfp
super helpful, thank you for the thoughtful reply open to denominating bids in $QR at some point but started with ETH primarily because most people by default will have ETH and not have QR so requiring them to swap + bid instead of just bid is an extra step requiring extra clicks and takes extra time. we can do the swap on our end with the winning bid there is however a strong counterargument that if you require QR to bid you will gain holders from people who buy QR to bid, lose the auction, and are returned their QR, and then just hold it my guess is most people bidding so far hold QR anyway, but that may not remain the case, so there's valid arguments on both sides with reasons more than just the 2 primary stated above, but that's how we've started for now
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vanishingideal pfp
Accepting both simplifies things. Incentives for $QR i.e., a 10% bid boost vs. ETH or some post-auction incentive for winning bids made in QR where they get some of it back might be interesting to A/B test.
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