JAKE pfp



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JAKE pfp
It’s a limited series on which my ultimate judgment will be reserved until after its completion but, 5 out of 8 episodes in, “Sugar” on Apple TV seems poised to be somewhere between great and excellent in my book.
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JAKE pfp
I was never of the opinion that “blockchain” or “web3” would prevail as the preeminent term over “crypto” — blockchain felt too corporate and web3 felt like a VC force and had too many spelling variations. Now, it’s still extremely early (Google Trend <1), but I’d make a venture bet on “onchain”.
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JAKE pfp
New IOE (inframe onchain essay) about why I had my first cup of caffeinated coffee in more than a year and a half this morning.
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JAKE pfp
I like reading books more for perspective immersion than for knowledge retention.
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JAKE pfp
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JAKE pfp
Founders tend to ignore relatively low-probability existential risks to their business for the practical purpose of being able to operate closer to the cutting edge. Ex: Most ppl building anything in crypto are implicitly rounding probably of failure for their favorite L1 to 0. And reasonably so, even tho it’s not.
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JAKE pfp
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JAKE pfp
gm degen gm dgen gm dgn gm gn
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JAKE pfp
Tesla mobile service uses Ford cars?
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JAKE pfp
There may soon come a time at which the risks of over-correcting on wokeness could be greater than the risks of wokeness itself. I don’t think we’re there yet. There is still way too much wokeness in the world. But because of the way the momentum swings, that point may be significantly sooner than most think.
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JAKE pfp
Big thanks to my top tippers! @july @nick @phil @tanishq @habib723 @0xgabriel.eth @bored @nikolaiii @daojoan.eth @mattlee And hat tip to the frame-maker 🎩
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JAKE pfp
Thought is no substitute for action.
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JAKE pfp
Anyone technical want to help me build an NFT PFP project on Base? It should be roughly a one-weekend project for the first step which is comparable to a simple NFT PFP project in terms of time and difficulty. Next steps would be harder and take longer. Would compensate for time and share in proceeds. @bountybot
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JAKE pfp
Stripe news is good excuse to remind everyone Visa still has a larger market cap than Ethereum, Solana, and USDC combined. It is still early, fellow casters.
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JAKE pfp
Ask: Link me your favorite 1 gallon glass (or otherwise dishwasher safe) water-holding apparatus (bottle). Context: Hydration is an underrated leg of health and longevity relative to diet and exercise. Many people chronically dehydrated. I used to be. Have used specific water bottles to fix it. But hassles to clean.
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JAKE pfp
I like this. Now what do I do with this?
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JAKE pfp
Screenshot essay:
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JAKE pfp
Nova Knicks tn. In Philly. Embiid angry. Brunson with something to prove. Should be a good one. Go Knicks
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JAKE pfp
3 of 6 living US Presidents were born in the summer of 1946. Trump - 06/14/46 Bush - 07/06/46 Clinton - 08/19/46 The youngest of the 3 was President first (Clinton) and the oldest most recently (Trump). All are now 77. The other 3 are Carter (99), Biden (81), and Obama (62).
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JAKE pfp
An experimental, opt-in, micro-country that replaces the entire tax system with simple, in some cases elective, service-related subscription costs.
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