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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
We're scaling hubs to handle 10x traffic (~ 500k DAU) @adityapk @sanjay and @wazzymandias.eth are heads down and making some big changes this month. Here's a quick overview of how hubs work today.
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
An important part of hub performance is catch-up sync or diff sync, which kicks in when hubs get disconnected for a short duration. @sanjay developed this back in 2022 when we were first designing hubs.
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
Another piece is using a performant, type-safe language. Typescript served us well for the first two years, but we're reaching the limits of what a high level, garbage collected language can do. @adityapk has been leading the charge to re-write core parts of the hubs into Rust to speed up performance.
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Kindnesss.eth 🌐 pfp
Kindnesss.eth 🌐
The best content!
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