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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
We're scaling hubs to handle 10x traffic (~ 500k DAU) @adityapk @sanjay and @wazzymandias.eth are heads down and making some big changes this month. Here's a quick overview of how hubs work today.
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Varun Srinivasan pfp
Varun Srinivasan
An important part of hub performance is catch-up sync or diff sync, which kicks in when hubs get disconnected for a short duration. @sanjay developed this back in 2022 when we were first designing hubs.
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Sina Habibian pfp
Sina Habibian
It all makes sense!
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kevin j πŸ€— pfp
kevin j πŸ€—
can we get a vid after changes comparing the prev design with post? would be so cool to see, esp if there are benchmarks
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The Old Castle Defense(TOCD) pfp
The Old Castle Defense(TOCD)
Great to see your transparency FC team. It's an amazing example how team should do any business. πŸš€lfg
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daws.eth 🎩 @farcon pfp
daws.eth 🎩 @farcon
🫑 Fan of that TypeScript + Rust combo
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The Wizard 🎩 pfp
The Wizard 🎩
We love a team that builds in public Excited to see these changes go live 🀝
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βšͺ️ cooper 🎩 ↑ pfp
βšͺ️ cooper 🎩 ↑
this is the good stuff. crucial upgrades. thanks for sharing the detail 1069 $degen
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Ed 🎩 pfp
Ed 🎩
Great explainer & fantastic work 😎 369 $DEGEN
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Chase pfp
I know you and Dan are familiar with Urbit, so I'm curious why you didn't choose a more heavily sharded Hub design from the outset? Urbit shards the network by channel (called a Group). A group host is generally a dedicated node, tho some people use their daily driver. Despite being WAY less performant than Hubs...
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