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Sunny pfp
I've been a part of the art community for 2.5 years on X & now here for a few months, & I can tell you with certainty that artists on @farcaster are at a crossroads. Best case 1: There's some foundational shift where the fc ecosystem elevates these "quality content" creators & they can have a meaningful existence here. Best Case 2: They go explore Lens or maybe back to X (where despite the algo, they get some recognition for their art from their peers). Worst case: They get disenchanted with web3 altogether because they've been scammed, rugged, ignored, reduced to a number & pretty much treated like second class citizens regardless of where they exist. I worry about this the most. Irony 1: The art community is the most vibrant community any social community can have. We literally have generational talent hanging out amongst us & most of us are unaware. Irony 2: Artists who are here are the most tech forward of the normie bunch we'd wanna onboard. Biggest assets for any social platform. 1/2 🧵
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Sunny pfp
Reality 1: Artists have been testing/participating in every piece of tech that's been released. Artists are driving every metric, whether it's qDAU or volume etc., up. Yet, that interest and engagement hasn't been reciprocated. How much engagement do the most engaged userbase of tech get back? Pretty much none. Reality 2: The tipping meta has kept artists here so far but we're seeing how that's unraveling. What other reasons remain for a userbase that's overlooked to remain here? Small fish in a big pond doesn't sound that defeating when the small pond doesn't have any bites. 2/3 🧵
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Sunny pfp
Reality 3: There's only one real used case for minting on-chain that's stood the test of time and that's art. All the ingredients of fc being a massive success story for art are here. We have an engaged artist community that's ready to experiment, iterate and explore, we have the devs that can supercharge the next art revolution and we have platforms like @zora & @rodeo on a chain that has a reach way bigger than any other. The problem is that it's all disjointed; we're disjointed. If you feel invested in this discussion, please comment and speak your truth. We cannot solve this if we don't talk about it. It is time to unite NOW or forever live with the what if.
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Uzzy & Art Syndicate pfp
Uzzy & Art Syndicate
Couldn't agree more, except maybe on the @zora & @rodeodotclub part. The thing with these two or/and any other for that matter is that they are all encouraging artists to give art for free or for very low money (the new term is affordable) which in reality serves only them(fees they collect on a daily scale from masses) and can not feed us the artists. I wish we the creators of all branches not only art would once and for all unite and say that's enough. No need for extremely high prices, but we want to be paid fairly and properly for our work! We just need enough to provide our families with a normal decent life. I even made an art piece in the early social-realism style, just as they were using them to spread the socialistic and communistic propaganda so is my wish here to spread the propaganda of unity in the web3 space. "web3 workers unite"
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