Colton Dillion 🎩 pfp
Colton Dillion 🎩
If you wanted to get really crazy you could do quadratic tipping We've already talked about accumulating allowances over a 2-7 day window, so what if repeat tips to the same account within that time window were also applied quadratically, ie every unit tipped after the first unit eats 2n-1 marginal units of allowance
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Uncle HODL pfp
Uncle HODL
Explain this to me like I'm five 🥲
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wake pfp
Each time you tip the same person it's worth less and less.
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Colton Dillion 🎩 pfp
Colton Dillion 🎩
There's a DEGEN monster who doesn't like it when people don't share with everyone, so he eats a bigger chunk of your tip every time you give to the same person Spread the love and keep the DEGEN monster happy
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