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Murtaza Hussain
I like crypto and am glad that the prices have gone back up. I HODLd and tend to mostly buy what you could call the "blue-chip" cryptocurrencies whose performance and valuation I am satisfied with. I can't help but ask, however, what happened to all the people who were convinced to buy "real-estate in the metaverse" or were told that it would be a good investment to pay tens of thousands of dollars for images of a cartoon ape? I do not hear much about these narratives anymore and I have not heard of any recovery in values, though I am sure some credulous people lost quite a bit for trusting these stories a few years ago. There needs to be some self-policing and accountability not just of the fringes but the mainstream of any industry in order to build and deserve public trust. I highly recommend reading the book "Narrative Economics" to understand how good storytelling can be used to drive unwarranted increases in asset prices.
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Uncle HODL
The thing about metaverse "real estate" is that many of those projects were like Earth 2, selling you virtual space of real world locations. It sounds great until you realize there are 5+ other platforms doing the same exact thing... so which will be "official" ? For me, actual metaverse real estate is simply owning a space in a desirable game/social platform. Second Life walked so platforms like Decentraland, Crypto Voxels, Sandbox, and OnCyber could fly! The true "metaverse" though, is simply a... world wide web 😏 of different worlds for people to explore. Each of the named platforms are just one stop in a likely infinite future of stops, and what blockchain enables is the ability for a virtual legacy... ownership and provenance! As for the jpg cartoon animals and other random pfp projects, many were just another copy of the meta that the market understood at the time. Only a few of these projects and/or their communities still have runway and utilities to show for the amount of funds they pulled.
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