Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp

Tyler Pashigian🎩


148 Following

Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Genuine question, is your problem with them the fees and treatment of artists/lack of alternatives for venues? I’ve never fully understood the outrage with the Taylor Swift stuff last year, if people wanna pay $1000 a ticket they’re going to. Agree fees are out of control tho
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Bonfire szn
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
There’s nothing better than lake life on a long weekend. This is perfect.
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Do you have a repo link? I’m also working with shadcn, I can take a look
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Question for yall, specifically those that aren’t creative. When you’re working on an app how do you come up with designs? Reach out to mutual, fiverr, or am I just the least creative person on the planet? All my side projects look like trash and I wanna change that.
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Hey yall, working on a side project that I want to create cards to represent recipes in a recipe book app, but I don’t want to rely on user content because often times user uploaded content doesn’t look great. Any ideas how to do this? I’m definitely a developer and not a creative haha would love any ideas
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Nothing like thinking of a side project idea that makes you wanna abandon months of work on your current, half finished, side project. Like clockwork
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
I built Overpass with the Pudgy Penguins team. New opportunity for licensing posted today, check it out! https://x.com/overpassipbot/status/1783966116491989389?s=46&t=vQvr_3457zK7bh0KbBjVyw
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
New licensing opportunity for pudgy penguins! https://x.com/overpassipbot/status/1783966116491989389?s=46&t=vQvr_3457zK7bh0KbBjVyw
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Don’t stop
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
lol very cool. Secured🤝
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Random thought: working on MySpace must have been so much fun
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
We like the points
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
gm bros
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Yeah felt very similar to the crypto conference I went to haha. Everyone super nice and welcoming, I’m just not overly extroverted especially when rolling up solo.
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
Know you’re not a big front end guy but /frontend has been great and had a ton of actual engagement there instead of just farming
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
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Tyler Pashigian🎩 pfp
Tyler Pashigian🎩
It went well! A lot of the talks were super interesting and the first day was super well organized. 2nd day was a bit chaotic but still good. Definitely requires a bit more socializing than I was expecting to make it worth going tho so gotta get better at that part haha
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