Tushar Soni
I'm starting my own company - http://UseWalletKit.com (YC S23) Why am I doing this? What problem are we solving? And most importantly why now?
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Samuel ツ
How do you think these APIs will help with UX from a user not a developer standpoint? From what the website shows it still depends on the developers frontend to be awesome for the appliction/user experience to be
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Samuel ツ
i get the dev part as one "just" uses the API instead of Ethers and the likes though Rainbowkit makes Wallet usage rather straight forward already. Thirdweb makes NFTs easy also. Interesting to see how your APIs will develop different/better then these solutions. The self custodial part sounds interesting, so ...
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Samuel ツ
... who manages the accounts? like if I as dev create a wallet for the user per API how does he manage the private key? How is that management better then a simple Hardware/Webwallet? don't really get it from the website :/ will follow a long for sure sounds super interesting.
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Tushar Soni
We're approaching this differently than what you see with ethers or RainbowKit. The founders we're working with are targeting users who are new to crypto and won't go through a different app to create a wallet - more importantly, the founders don't want to give up that ux control that puts users in that flow
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Tushar Soni
And wallet custody - we're starting with custodial MPC wallets where our customers hold the keys. And we are working on AA wallets as well along with more custody options. Lots more to come here. The goal will be to keep all of the complexities hidden from end users and devs and strike a balance with flexibility
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Samuel ツ
okay now I get it. The actual devs want to do all the UX work and abstract away "all" the crypto for their users to ease them into it. That I love! Have explored german custodial API solutions for similar reasons in the past.
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