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afra🎩 pfp
Unpopular take: discussions on network states have even less female involvement than the male-centric world of crypto. There’s a critical gap that needs exploration—either something is missing, or there's a barrier deterring women from joining the conversation.
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Tom pfp
I noticed this. Missing a vital perspective. Why do you think women aren’t more involved in network states?
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afra🎩 pfp
I find myself often slightly freaked out about the male-driven impulse for world-building. This fear isn't just about the act itself but what it often entails: a shaping of our reality that frequently marginalizes the female existence.
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Mike | Abundance pfp
Mike | Abundance
Maybe it's the "Exit culture" (vs "building community") that seems more central to how Network States are described that is a lot more attractive to men (maybe more specifically techies) that doesn't resonate as much w women?
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