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Tom Beck pfp
Tom Beck
This is exactly why writing is slow. If you only measure time spent hammering out words, you’re missing most of it.
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G r 🌎 w n U p pfp
G r 🌎 w n U p
Somewhere on the Mary Oliver/Neil Young continuum. Write everyday vs if you can't write a song in 5 minutes walk away. Patience for inspiration, but be there when it happens. Just my thoughts, and this is across mediums. I think about this a LOT! Love hearing other artists talk about this.
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Violet July  pfp
Violet July
My writing productivity is odd. I’ll either speed-type my every thought as fast as I can to get it on paper, or I’ll be very intentional about every word I type. Sometimes I write every day. Sometimes I don’t write for weeks. I can’t force my writings, or it becomes a chore.
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Erika Lee 🎩 pfp
Erika Lee 🎩
i've been having a hard time and this was helpful
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Mark42 pfp
Too cheep! (Sorry)
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