Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Is this true? https://x.com/watcherguru/status/1771563276364570653?s=46
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
3 replies
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
(from a Twitter Spaces with EU lawyers)
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David Furlong pfp
David Furlong
“may not apply to you personally” lol how do you prevent money laundering by individuals if youre not going to enforce it on them? Probably regulated at offramp whereby you need to prove origins of assets - so as an individual you’ll still not be able to offramp assets received from anon accounts above N euros
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mach nine pfp
mach nine
What does the text say about "unhosted wallets"?
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