position: fixed; bottom: 0; transform: translateY(calc(env(safe-area-inset-bottom) * -1));
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let me guess: sticky navbar on the bottom
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yep for safari
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wait can't this be done much simpler? We had this for kiwi and I didn't have to use such complicated stuff
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depends if you want it smooth or not https://twitter.com/pugson/status/1407667859774394371?s=20
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lol what browser is that and why is it creating more problems for web devs, don't we have enough already :D?
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always safari. they changed how the bottom bar looks after the backlash
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my god, people need to give web devs a break. we've been lowest tier in the dev food chain for years now & everyone screws us over with "new cool things" but they never improve anything. It's just more bs. Remember when we talked about service workers? How incompetent do you have to be to ship that to 1B devices?
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