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Hello! I am genuinely interested in exploring this option and would like to know if anyone can help or advise me. If someone has done it or knows someone who... I would really appreciate any help Thanks!
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I kind of never believe that these programs exempt me from paying taxes in Germany. I'm sure that if the German government was serious about taxing me and saw that I had a tax residence there then they'd someone coerce me to pay the taxes here still. I'd have to actually move to Palau probably to avoid it.
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Thanks @timdaub.eth I really appreciate your feedback. The last part is exactly what I am trying to figure it out, thats why i am openly asking. The German crypto tax model always seemed like the best to me because it doesn't treat you like a criminal.
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my understanding is that one could definitely move to Dubai genuinely and stop paying income tax. But then one would have to reside a majority of their time there, which I, for example, don't want to do
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Neither do I. :D Is not my goal to "do not pay nothing" but to explore different possibilities. I met "The Palau guys" on Denver and want to know if someone is using it, how it works, benefits and so on...
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